

单词 respond
释义 respondrespondsrespondedrespondingrespondrespond AC /rɪˈspɒnd $ rɪˈspɑːnd/ verb [transitive]1to do something because of something that has happenedrespond toHow will the government respond to this latest development?late 政府对这一最新进展会有什么反应?respond by doing somethingThe United Nations responded by sending troops to the area.unitenationrespondsendtroop联合国的反应是派遣部队到该地区。2to answer: I called her name, but she didn’t respond.call 我叫她的名字﹐但她没有反应。respond toHe didn’t respond to my email. 他没给我回电子邮件。 THESAURUS answer3to improve as a result of a medical treatmentrespond toShe is responding well to the drugs.beresponddrug这些药对她效果不错。THESAURUS: respondanswer to say something to someone after they have asked you a question or spoken to you: He didn’t answer my question.I said ‘hello’ to her but she didn’t answer.sayreply to answer someone – used especially in written English to report what someone said: He replied that he was busy until 12 o’clock.replybe‘I’m so sorry,’ he replied.replyget back to sb to answer someone’s question later, when you are less busy or have more information to give – used especially in spoken English: Can I get back to you later today?lateHe still hasn’t got back to me about that.getwrite back to write a letter or email to someone who has written to you: She never wrote back to me.writerespond to say or do something when someone says or does something to you – a rather formal use: He responded by raising his hands up in the air.respondraisehandHow do you respond to these allegations?allegation




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