

单词 against
释义 againstagainstagainst /əˈgenst, əˈgeɪnst $ əˈgenst/ preposition1not agreeing with something: John was against the idea of selling the house.besell约翰反对把房子卖掉。We are against testing cosmetics on animals.betestanimal我们反对用动物来试验化妆品。2used to say who is affected by something in a bad way: violence against elderly people对老年人的暴力discrimination against womenwoman对妇女的歧视3used to say who someone is competing or fighting with: The team will play against Hungary on Saturday.这支球队将于星期六和匈牙利队对垒。4trying to stop something from happening: the battle against crime打击犯罪的斗争We must take action against homelessness.我们必须对无家可归问题采取行动。5against the law/the rules not allowed by the law or the rules: It is against the law to sell alcohol to children.bechild卖酒给儿童是违法的。6against sb’s wishes/advice/orders etc if you do something against someone’s wishes etc, you do it even though they tell you not to do it: She got married against her parents’ wishes.getmarryparentwish她违背父母的意愿结了婚。7 touching a surface: The cat’s fur felt soft against her face.feel猫的毛拂在她的脸上﹐感觉软软的。Chris leaned back against the wall.lean克里斯往后斜靠在墙上。8in the opposite direction to the movement or flow of something: sailing against the windsail逆风航行9protecting you from something: insurance against injury人身伤害保险Phraseshave something against somebody/something to dislike or disapprove of someone or something: I have nothing against dogs but I don’t want one myself.dog我对狗并不反感﹐但我自己并不想要。




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