

单词 chase
释义 chasechaseschasedchasingchasechase1 /tʃeɪs/ verb1[intransitive and transitive] to quickly follow someone or something, especially to catch them SYN pursue: The car was chased by police.bechase这辆汽车遭警察追捕。chase after‘My glove!’ he shouted, chasing after the dog.shoutchase“我的手套。”他大叫着追那条狗。chase somebody away/off (=make someone leave a place, by chasing them)He managed to chase away his attacker.manage他设法赶走了袭击者。2[intransitive and transitive] to try very hard to get something: Too many people are chasing too few jobs.bechasejob太多的人在争夺太少的工作机会。chase afterreporters chasing after a storyreporterchase拼命挖新闻的记者们THESAURUS: chasefollow to walk or drive behind someone: I followed him downstairs.followI think that car’s following us.followThe man had followed her home to find out where she lived.havefollowlivechase to run or drive fast after someone in order to catch them when they are trying to escape: The boy ran off but I chased him and caught him.runchasecatchrun after sb to run in order to stop or talk to someone who has just left: Sarah ran after him and begged him to come back home.runbegpursue to follow someone in a very determined way in order to catch or attack them. Pursue sounds rather formal: He said he would pursue the men until they were caught.saywillmanbecatchtail to follow someone secretly in order to see what they do and where they go: The police had been tailing the robbers in an unmarked car.havebetailrobberstalk to follow a person or animal quietly and secretly in order to attack or kill them: She thought that the man was stalking her.thinkbestalkA tiger stalks its prey. (=the animal that it hunts for food)stalk




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