

单词 circumstance
释义 circumstancecircumstancescircumstancecircumstance AC /ˈsɜːkəmstæns, -stəns $ ˈsɜːr-/ noun1[countable usually plural] the conditions that affect a situation, action, event etcunder/in ... circumstancesUnder normal circumstances she would never have left her child with a stranger.circumstancewillleavestrange一般情况下她是决不会把孩子交给一个陌生人的。Non-members will be admitted only in special circumstances.memberadmitcircumstance非会员只有在特殊情况下才允许进入。2sb’s circumstances formal the conditions in which you live, especially how much money you have: Everyone will be taxed according to their circumstances.taxaccordcircumstance将根据每个人的经济状况征税。Phrasesunder/in/given the circumstances used to say that a particular situation makes something necessary or acceptable when it would not normally be: I think we did the best we could in the circumstances.dowellcancircumstance我认为在当时的情况下我们尽力而为了。under/in no circumstances used to emphasize that something must not happen: Under no circumstances should you leave this house.circumstanceshall你绝对不可以离开这房子。




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