

单词 columnist
释义 columnistcolumnistscolumnistcolumnist /ˈkɒləmɪst, -ləmnɪst $ ˈkɑː-/ noun [countable] someone who regularly writes articles for a newspaper or magazineTHESAURUS: columnistjournalist someone who writes reports for newspapers, magazines, television, or radio: She worked as a journalist on the ’New York Times’.worktimereporter someone whose job is to find out about news stories and ask questions for a newspaper, television, or radio company etc: A crowd of reporters waited for the singer outside the hotel.reporterwaitcorrespondent someone whose job is to report news from a particular place or about a particular subject: He was the BBC’s chief political correspondent.becolumnist someone who writes articles that appear regularly in a newspaper or magazine, in which they give their opinions: a gossip columnistthe press newspapers and journalists in general: The press always like a good story about the royal family.




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