

单词 complaint
释义 complaintcomplaintscomplaintcomplaint /kəmˈpleɪnt/ noun1[uncountable and countable] something that you say or write when you are not happy about somethingcomplaint aboutWe’ve received complaints about the noise.receivecomplaint我们收到对噪音问题的投诉。complaint againstcomplaints against the policecomplaint对警察的投诉complaint fromcomplaints from residentscomplaintresident来自居民的投诉complaint toI made a complaint to the boss.make我向老板投诉。2[countable] something that you complain about: My only complaint is that the restaurant is far too expensive.bebe我唯一的不满就是这家餐厅太贵。3[countable] an illness that affects part of your body: a chest complaint 胸部疾病COLLOCATIONS: complaintverbsto make a complaintShe made a complaint to the manager.maketo have a complaint (=to want to complain)I didn’t have any complaints about the service.complaintto receive/get/have a complaintThe BBC received a huge number of complaints about the programme.receivenumbcomplaintto deal with/handle a complaintThe hospital employs someone to deal with complaints.employcomplaintto look into/investigate a complaintThe bank said that they would look into my complaint.saywilltypes of complainta formal/official complaintMs Smith has made a formal complaint against her boss.havemakecustomer complaintsWe take all customer complaints seriously.complainta serious complaintThey should investigate serious complaints properly.shallcomplaintnouns + complainta letter of complaintI wrote a letter of complaint to the hotel manager.writecause/grounds for complaint (=a good reason to complain)I hope you will not have any cause for complaint.THESAURUS: complaintcomplain to say that you are not satisfied with something, or not happy about something: Dear Sir, I am writing to complain about the service I received at your hotel.bewritereceive‘I wish you’d stop telling me what to do,’ she complained.tellcomplainmake a complaint to formally complain about something to someone in authority: I’m going to make an official complaint to your manager.goprotest to complain about something that you think is wrong, especially publicly: The demonstrators are protesting against the war.demonstratorbeprotestParents are protesting against plans to close the school.parentbeprotestplanSeveral players protested at the referee’s decision.playerprotestobject to say that you disagree with a plan or suggestion, or that you do not approve of someone’s behaviour: Would anyone object if we have a quick break?willI object to some of his comments about women.commentwomangrumble to keep complaining in a bad-tempered way: He’s always grumbling about his knee.grumbleWhat are you grumbling about now?begrumblemoan/whine (also whinge British English) informal to keep complaining in an annoying and unreasonable way: We all have to work, so stop moaning about it.moanEveryone’s whining about the state of the economy.whine




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