

单词 concentrate
释义 concentrateconcentratesconcentratedconcentratingconcentrateconcentrate AC /ˈkɒnsəntreɪt $ ˈkɑːn-/ verb1[transitive] to think very carefully about something you are doing: With all this noise, it’s hard to concentrate.这么吵﹐很难集中精神。Will you please concentrate!请大家专心一点!concentrate onI’m trying to concentrate on reading this article.tryread我想专心看这篇文章。2be concentrated on/in/around etc something to exist in large numbers or amounts in a particular place: Most of New Zealand’s population is concentrated in the North Island.beconcentrate新西兰大部分的人口集中在北岛。Phrasal verbsconcentrate (something) on something phrasal verb to give most of your attention to one thing: I want to concentrate on my career for a while before I have kids.kid我想把精力先集中在工作上﹐过一段时候再生孩子。concentrate your efforts/attention/energy etc on somethingThey are concentrating their efforts on raising public awareness.beconcentrateeffortraise他们正在全力提高公众意识。




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