

单词 concentration
释义 concentrationconcentrationsconcentrationconcentration AC /ˌkɒnsənˈtreɪʃən $ ˌkɑːn-/ noun1[uncountable] when you think very carefully about something you are doing: They soon get tired and lose their concentration.tire他们很快就累了﹐心不在焉起来。She needed all her powers of concentration to stop herself slipping.needpowerslip她需要集中全部注意力才不会滑倒。2[uncountable] when you put a lot of attention, time, or energy into one thingconcentration onThere was too much concentration on one type of industry.be对一种工业过于重视。3[uncountable and countable] a large amount of something in the same placeconcentration ofhigh concentrations of minerals in the waterconcentrationmineral水中的矿物质高度积聚




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