

单词 confident
释义 confidentconfidentconfident /ˈkɒnfɪdənt $ ˈkɑːn-/ adjective1sure that something is true or that something will happen in the way you want or expectconfident (that)She was confident that the problem would be sorted out.bewillsort她确信这个问题会得到解决。confident of (doing) somethingOwens is confident of success.be 欧文斯对成功很有把握。confident aboutI feel very confident about the future.我对未来非常有信心。THESAURUS sure2sure that you are able to do things well or deal with situations successfullyconfident aboutI’m much more confident about my ability.我对自己的能力自信多了。confident smile/manner/voice etc—confidentlyconfidently adverb ➔ self-confidentTHESAURUS: confident (sense 2)sense 2confident sure that you can do things well or deal with situations successfully: The players were in a confident and relaxed mood before the game.playerberelaxa confident leaderEva was a confident happy teenager with bright shiny black eyes.beeyeself-confident confident when you are dealing with other people, and not shy or nervous: Jess was only 12, but she was very self-confident.bebeI soon became more self-confident as a public speaker.becomesure of yourself sure about your opinions and abilities, even when other people do not agree with you: He was so sure of himself that I didn’t try to argue with him.beIt was good to see her becoming more sure of herself at college.bebecomeextrovert someone who likes talking and being with other people: Most actors are natural extroverts.actorbeextrovertshy nervous and embarrassed about talking to people, especially people you do not know: As a teenager, she was very shy.be




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