

单词 about
释义 aboutaboutabout2 adverb1a little more or less than a number or amount SYN approximately, roughly: I live about 10 miles from here.mil我住在离这儿大约十英里的地方。We left the restaurant at round about 10.30.leave我们大约十点半左右离开了饭店。2be about to do something to be ready to start doing something: We were about to leave when Jerry arrived.bearrive杰里到时我们正要离开。3just about almost: Dinner’s just about ready.晚餐快准备好了。THESAURUS almost4British English in many different directions or in different parts of a place SYN around: People were lying about on the floor.belie人们东一个西一个地躺在地上。5British English near to where you are now SYN around: Is Patrick about? There’s a phone call for him.be帕特里克在吗? 有他的电话。THESAURUS: aboutapproximately a little more or less than an exact number, amount etc: Birmingham is approximately 100 miles from London.bemilabout/around approximately. About and around are much more common than approximately in everyday spoken English: I’ll be back at about 5:30.I’d say that she is around 35.beroughly approximately – used especially when the exact number or amount is not very important: We’re expecting roughly 100 people to come.expector so informal used after a number or amount to show that it may be a little more or less: I’m going on holiday in a month or so.goCan you get a dozen or so apples?applesomewhere/something in the region of formal about – used with very large numbers or amounts: Last year he earned something in the region of $60 million.earnIt costs somewhere in the region of £100,000 to train a new doctor.cost




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