

单词 contact
释义 contactcontactscontactcontact1 AC /ˈkɒntækt $ ˈkɑːn-/ noun1[uncountable] communication with a person, organization, or countrycontact with/betweenThere is little contact between the two tribes.betribe 这两个部落之间很少联系。be/get/keep/stay in contact (with somebody)We stay in contact by email.我们通过电子邮件保持联系。She moved away and they lost contact.movelose 她搬走了﹐他们便失去了联系。It’d be good to make contact with other local schools.school最好与当地其他的学校联系一下。2[uncountable] when two people or things touch against each othercontact with/betweenBabies need physical contact with a loving adult.babylove 小宝宝需要和爱他的大人有身体接触。Don’t let raw meat come into contact with other food.不要让生肉碰到其他食物。3[countable] someone you know who may be able to help you or give you advice: Do you have any contacts in the area?contact这个地区你有熟人吗?




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