

单词 cool
释义 coolcoolercoolestcoolcool1 /kuːl/ adjective1cold fairly cold: a lovely cool drink 清凉可口的饮料a cool breeze 凉爽的微风It gets quite cool in the evenings.getevening晚上相当凉快。2calm calm and not nervous or excitedkeep/stay coolHe’s good at staying cool in a crisis.stay他总是能临危不乱。3good informal attractive, fashionable, or interesting in a way that people admire: You look cool in that hat. 你戴那顶帽子很酷。‘He’s in a band.’ ‘Cool!’“他在一个乐队里。”“好棒啊﹗”4agreeing spoken used to say that you agree with something or are not annoyed about it: If you want to go now, it’s cool with me.要是你想现在去﹐我没问题。5unfriendly not as friendly as you expect: They received a cool reception.receive他们受到了冷遇。—coolnesscoolnessescoolness noun [uncountable]THESAURUS: coolcold having a low temperature: a cold winter dayThis room gets very cold at night.getIt’s cold outside!I’m cold!a cold drinkcool a little cold, especially in a pleasant way: a nice cool breezeIt’s cooler in the shade.coolchilly a little cold in a way that feels rather uncomfortable: a chilly nightIt’s getting chilly – you may need a coat.getfreezing very cold and very uncomfortable: It’s freezing outside.freezeThe freezing weather continued.freezecontinueI’m freezing!freezeicy very cold – used especially when the temperature is near or below zero: an icy windthe icy waters of the lakewaterdraughty British English, drafty American English a draughty room or building has cold air blowing in from outside, especially because the doors and windows do not fit well: Old houses can be very draughty.house




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