

单词 cough
释义 coughcoughscoughcough2 noun [countable]1 when someone coughs, or the sound of someone coughing: I heard a loud cough behind me.hear我听到身后一声很响的咳嗽。2an illness that makes you cough: Amy has a bad cough.have埃米咳得很厉害。COLLOCATIONS: cough (sense 2)sense 2verbsto have (got) a coughI felt ill and I had a cough.feelhaveto get/catch a coughShe often gets colds and coughs.getcoldcoughadjectivesa bad/nasty coughHe was absent from school with a bad cough.bea slight cough (also a bit of a cough spoken)He has a slight cough but I don’t think he’s really ill.havea tickly cough (=one that keeps irritating your throat)I had an annoying tickly cough.haveannoya persistent cough (=one that is difficult to cure)If you have a persistent cough, see your doctor.a smoker’s cough (=one caused by smoking)She had had a smoker’s cough for years.havehaveyear




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