

单词 crawl
释义 crawlcrawlscrawledcrawlingcrawlcrawl1 /krɔːl $ krɒːl/ verb [transitive]1baby/person to move on your hands and knees: The baby is just learning to crawl.belearn宝宝刚开始学爬。crawl into/out of/through etcWe crawled through a hole in the fence.crawl我们从篱笆上的一个洞爬过去。2insect if an insect crawls, it moves along the groundcrawl over/up etcFlies were crawling all over the food.flybecrawl食物上爬满了苍蝇。3vehicle if a vehicle crawls, it moves very slowly: We crawled all the way into town.crawl我们一路缓慢行驶﹐到了镇上。4to an important person disapproving to be very pleasant to someone because they are important or can help youcrawl toHe’s always crawling to the boss.crawl他老是巴结老板。5covered with something be crawling with something to be completely covered with insects or people: The tent was crawling with ants!becrawlant帐篷里爬满了蚂蚁!




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