

单词 alive
释义 alivealivealive /əˈlaɪv/ adjective [not before noun]1living and not dead: They didn’t expect to find anyone alive after the explosion.他们没有指望爆炸后能找到生还者。My grandparents are still alive.grandparentbe我的祖父祖母都还健在。I’m amazed my plants have stayed alive in this weather.amazeplantstay我非常吃惊﹐在这样的天气下我的植物竟然还能存活。He was kept alive on a life-support machine.bekeep他靠生命维持机维持着生命。2continuing to exist: Ancient traditions are very much alive in rural areas.traditionbearea古老的传统在农村地区依然盛行。3full of energy or activityalive withThe stadium was alive with excitement.be运动场里一片沸腾。The streets come alive after ten o'clock.street过了 10 点﹐街道就会热闹起来。Word Choice: alive or living?You use alive when saying that someone is not dead: Jack and his friends were lucky to be alive.friendbe杰克和他的朋友幸运地活了下来。You use living when saying that someone is living now: an exhibition of works by living artistsworkliveartist健在的艺术家的一个作品展You also use living when talking about all plants and animals that live and die:The chemical is harmful to all living creatures.belivecreature这种化学品对所有生物都有害。




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