

单词 all
释义 allallall1 /ɔːl $ ɒːl/ determiner, pronoun1the whole of an amount or period of time: Have we spent all the money?spend我们把所有的钱都花光了吗?I’ve been waiting all day for him to call.bewait我一整天都在等他打电话来。all ofAll of this land belongs to me.belong这块土地都是我的。Bill talks about work all the time (=very often).talk比尔老是谈工作。2every one of a group of people or things: Did you answer all the questions?doquestion所有问题你都回答了吗?We all wanted to go home.want我们所有人都想回家去。all ofListen, all of you, I have an important announcement.大家听好了﹐我有一件重要事情要宣布。3the only thing: Is that all you’re going to eat?bego你就吃这个吗?He had dark hair. That’s all I can remember.have他是黑头发的﹐我就记得这个。 ➔ after all at after, all the same at same2Phrasesall sorts/kinds/types of something very many different types of things, people, or places: You can buy all kinds of things in the bazaar.kindthing在集市上你可以买到各种各样的东西。(not) at all used to say that something is not even slightly true, or to ask if something is even slightly true: The place hasn’t changed at all.change这个地方一点也没有变。Was anyone at all interested in my idea?beinterest有没有人对我的想法感兴趣呢?for all ... in spite of something: For all his faults, he was a good father.faultbe他尽管有缺点﹐但还是一个好父亲。GrammarYou use all with a singular verb if the noun is uncountable: All the wine is finished.befinish所有的葡萄酒都喝完了。You use all with a plural verb if the noun is plural: All my friends are coming to the party.friendbecome我所有的朋友都要来参加派对。




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