

单词 cry
释义 crycriescrycry2 noun (plural cries)1[countable] the sound someone makes when they feel a strong emotion, for example when they are very sad or are in paincry ofHe gave a cry of pain.give 他痛得叫了一声。She let out a cry of delight. 她高兴地叫了一声。cry of pain/joy/fear etcLetting out a cry of delight, he grasped her hands.letgrasphand他一声欢呼﹐握住了她的双手。cry forcries for helpcry呼救声2[singular] British English when someone crieshave a cryYou’ll feel better after a good cry (=crying for a long time).well尽情哭一场你会感觉好些的。3[countable] a sound made by an animal or bird: the cries of gullscrygull海鸥的鸣叫声Phrasesa cry for help something someone does that shows they are unhappy and need help: A suicide attempt is a cry for help.be自杀企图是求助的一种表现。be a far cry from something to be very different from something else: The Olympics were a far cry from the spectacle we see now.be旧时的奥运会与我们现在所看到的壮观场面大相径庭。




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