

单词 allow
释义 allowallowsallowedallowingallowallow /əˈlaʊ/ verb [transitive]1to say that someone can do or have something: Smoking is not allowed in the library.smokebeallow图书馆里不准吸烟。allow somebody to do somethingMy parents would never allow me to stay out late.parentwill我的父母绝不允许我在外面待得很晚。allow somebody somethingWe’re allowed four weeks holiday a year.allowweek我们一年获准有四个星期的假。allow somebody in/out/up etcYou’re not allowed in here.allow你不准进这里来。2to make it possible for something to happen or for someone to do somethingallow somebody/something to do somethingThe new headlights allow drivers to see even in very foggy weather.headlightdriver这种新型汽车前灯即使在大雾天也能让司机看清道路。We mustn’t allow the situation to get any worse.ill我们不可以让情况进一步恶化。3to plan that a particular amount of time, money etc will be needed for a particular purpose: Allow 14 days for delivery.day给 14 天时间交货。allow yourself somethingAllow yourself two hours to get to the airport.hour留出两小时时间去机场。 —allowableallowable adjectivePhrasal verbsallow for something phrasal verb to include the possible effects of something in your plans so that you can deal with them: Even allowing for delays, we should finish early.allowdelayshall就算有耽搁﹐我们也应该能提早完成。THESAURUS: allowallow to say that someone can do or have something: You’re not allowed to use your mobile phone in class.allowThey allowed him to stay in the country.allowlet to allow someone to do something. Let is much more common in spoken English than allow. It is not used in the passive: My Dad won’t let me go to the concert.winI’ll borrow Dave’s car, if he’ll let me.permit formal if something is permitted, it is allowed according to the rules – used especially on signs and in announcements: Ball games are not permitted outside this building.gamebepermitbuildgive somebody permission used when someone in an important position allows someone to do something: He was given permission to take some time off work.begivegive your consent formal to say that you will allow someone to do something, when you have a legal right to say ‘no’: Her parents refused to give their consent to the marriage.parentrefuse




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