

单词 date
释义 datedatesdatedate1 /deɪt/ noun [countable]1day a particular day of the month or of the year, shown by a number: ‘What’s today’s date?’ ‘It’s August the eleventh.’“今天几号?”“8 月 11 日。”Please write down your date of birth (=the day you were born).请写下你的出生日期。set/fix a date (=choose a day when something will happen)Have you set a date for the wedding?你定好婚礼日期了吗?2meeting a)an arrangement to meet someone, especially someone you like in a romantic way: Mike’s got a date tonight.get迈克今晚有约会。Let’s make a date (=arrange a time) to meet up.我们定个时间见面吧。THESAURUS meeting b)American English someone you go on a date with: My date’s taking me out to dinner.take我的对象要带我出去吃饭。3fruit a sweet sticky brown fruit with a long seed ➔ out-of-date, sell-by date, up-to-datePhrasesto date until now: This is the best research on the subject to date.bewell这是迄今为止对该课题作出的最佳研究。




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