

单词 date
释义 datedatesdateddatingdatedate2 verb1[transitive] to write the date on something: a letter dated May 1st, 1923date一封日期为 1923 年 5 月 1 日的信2[transitive] to find out the age of something that is very old: Geologists can date the rocks by examining fossils in the same layer.geologistrockexaminefossil地质学家能通过查看同一岩层里的化石鉴定出岩石的年代。3[intransitive and transitive] to seem old-fashioned, or to make something seem old-fashioned: His designs have hardly dated at all.designdate他的设计一点也不显得过时。4[intransitive and transitive] American English to have a romantic relationship with someone: How long have you been dating Monica?bedate你与莫尼卡谈恋爱多久了?Phrasal verbsdate from something (also date back to something) phrasal verb to have existed since a particular time: The cathedral dates from the 13th century.date这座大教堂建于 13 世纪。




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