

单词 dead
释义 deaddeaderdeadestdeaddead1 /ded/ adjective1not alive no longer alive: Her mother’s been dead for two years.beyear她母亲去世已两年了。I think that plant’s dead.我认为那株植物已死了。the dead body of a young boy一个小男孩的尸体Two men were shot dead by the terrorists.manbeshootterrorist两名男子遭恐怖分子枪杀了。2not working an engine, telephone etc that is dead is not working because there is no power: Is the battery dead?be电池没电了吗?Suddenly the phone went dead.go电话突然没声音了。3not active/successful no longer active or being used: He says the peace plan is dead.saybe他说和平计划已成泡影。4boring a place that is dead is boring because nothing interesting happens there: This place is dead during the week.be这地方除了周末平时都是死气沉沉的。5no feeling a part of your body that is dead has no feeling in it for a short time: My feet have gone dead.footgo我的脚已经麻木了。6complete [only before noun] complete: We all stood waiting in dead silence.standwait我们全都十分安静地站着等待。The train came to a dead stop.come火车完全停下了。7exact [only before noun] exact: The arrow hit the dead centre of the target.那支箭不偏不倚正中靶心。8no longer used a dead language is no longer used by people OPP livingPhrasesover my dead body spoken used when you are determined not to allow something to happen: You’ll marry him over my dead body!我死也不让你嫁给他!Word Choice: dead or died?Dead is an adjective used to describe someone or something that is no longer alive: a dead fish死鱼Died is the past tense and past participle of the verb to die: He died of a heart attack in 2002.die他在 1992 年死于心脏病。Do not say ‘They thought he was died.’ Say They thought he was dead.thinkbe or They thought he had died.thinkhavedie(他们以为他死了。)




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