

单词 deep
释义 deepdeepdeep2 adverb1a long way into or below the surface of something: He thrust his hands deep in his pockets.handpocket他把双手深深插进口袋里。deep beneath the groundgrind地下深处2two/three etc deep if things or people are two deep, three deep etc, there are two, three etc rows or layers of them: People were standing four deep at the bar.bestand吧台前站了四排人。Phrasesdeep down1if you feel or know something deep down, you are sure about it: Deep down, I knew she was right.knowbe我在心底里知道她是对的。2if someone is kind, cruel etc deep down, that is what they are really like, even though they seem not to be: Deep down, she is a very caring person.becare她本质上是个很有爱心的人。run/go deep if a feeling runs deep or goes deep, people feel it very strongly: Resentment against the police ran deep.run人们对警察恨之入骨。




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