

单词 demand
释义 demanddemandsdemanddemand1 /dɪˈmɑːnd $ dɪˈmænd/ noun1[singular, uncountable] the need or desire that people have for goods and servicesdemand forThere’s a great demand for new housing.house对新住房有很大的需求量。the growing demand for organic producegrow对有机产品不断增加的需求skills that are much in demandskillbe 殷切需要的技能2[countable] a very determined request for somethingdemand fordemands for political reformdemand对政治改革的要求3demands [plural] the difficult or tiring things you have to do, or the skills you needdemands ofthe demands of modern lifedemand现代生活的种种烦心事demands onThe play makes considerable demands on the actors’ talents.makedemandactortalent这部剧对演员的才能要求相当高。Phraseson demand whenever someone wants something: Do you feed your baby on demand?你是在宝宝需要时才喂食吗?




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