

单词 deposit
释义 depositdepositsdepositdeposit1 /dɪˈpɒzɪt $ dɪˈpɑː-/ noun [countable]1a part of the cost of something that you pay before paying the total amount later: We put down a deposit on the house.我们支付了这幢房子的订金。deposit ofWe require a deposit of 10%.我们要求先支付 10% 作为订金。 2an amount of money that you pay into a bank account OPP withdrawal: I’d like to make a deposit please.请给我办理存款。3money that you pay when you rent something such as an apartment or car, which will be given back if you do not damage it: We paid one month’s rent in advance, plus a deposit of $500.payrend我们预付了一个月的房租﹐再加 500 美元的押金。 4a layer of a mineral, metal etc that is left in soil or rocks through a natural process: oil and mineral depositsdeposit油层和矿床




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