

单词 depression
释义 depressiondepressionsdepressiondepression AC /dɪˈpreʃən/ noun [uncountable and countable]1a feeling of great sadness, or a medical condition that makes you have this feeling: The patient is suffering from depression.besuffer这名患者得了抑郁症。2a long period during which there is very little business activity and many people do not have jobs: a severe economic depression 严重的经济萧条期 ➔ see Word Choice at recessionTHESAURUS: depressionsadness the feeling you have when you are unhappy: Kate felt sadness at having to say goodbye.feelhaveunhappiness sadness, especially for a long time: Emotional abuse causes unhappiness and great damage.causemisery great sadness, especially because you are lonely, cold, poor etc: Many families are suffering the misery of unemployment.familybesufferdepression great sadness and a lack of hope which continues for a long time, either because something bad has happened, or because of a medical condition: The death of a partner can lead to depression.




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