

单词 describe
释义 describedescribesdescribeddescribingdescribedescribe /dɪˈskraɪb/ verb [transitive] to say what someone or something is like or to explain something that has happened: Police asked the woman to describe her attacker.ask警方要求那位妇女描述一下袭击她的人。describe somebody/something as somethingThe victim’s neighbors described him as a gentle man who loved children.neighbordescribelovechild受害人的邻居都说他是个喜爱孩子的绅士。describe somebody/something to somebodyAva was just describing to me her trip to Egypt.bedescribe艾娃正好在向我描述她的埃及之旅。describe how/what/why etcIt’s hard to describe how I felt.feel我的感受难以形容。GrammarDo not say ‘She described me the house.’ Say She described the house to me.describe(她向我描述了那幢房子。)




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