

单词 double
释义 doubledoublesdoubleddoublingdoubledouble3 verb [intransitive and transitive] to become twice as large or twice as much, or to make something do this: The church has doubled its membership.havedouble这个教堂的会众增加了一倍。double in size/number/value etcThe company has doubled in size.havedouble公司的规模扩大了一倍。double the size/number/amount etc (of something)We will double the number of police.numb我们将使警察的人数加倍。Phrasal verbsdouble as somebody/something phrasal verb to have a second use, job, or purpose: The sofa doubles as a bed.double这张沙发兼作床用。 double back phrasal verb to turn around and go back the way you have just come: He doubled back and headed for Howard Bay.doublehead他按原路返回﹐朝霍华德海湾驶去。double up/over phrasal verb to bend at the waist because you are in pain or laughing a lotdouble up with pain/laughterThey all doubled up with laughter.double他们全都笑得直不起腰来。THESAURUS: doubleto increaseincrease to become bigger in number, amount, or level: The number of students has increased by 50%.numbstudenthaveincreaseThe amount of violence has increased.haveincreaserise to increase. Rise sounds rather formal and is used especially about the temperature, level, or standard of something: The temperature could rise to 40 degrees.candegreeUnemployment rose to its highest ever level.risehighThe standard of healthcare has risen considerably.haverisego up to increase. Go up is less formal than increase or rise, and is very common in everyday English: My rent’s gone up again.rendgogrow to increase, especially gradually over a period of time: Support for him is growing.begrowThe number of people who work from home is growing.numbbegrowdouble to become twice as much: The town’s population has doubled.havedoubleshoot up to increase very quickly and suddenly: House prices shot up.priceshootTheir profits will shoot up.profitto make something increaseincrease to make something larger in number, amount, or level: You need to increase the amount of exercise you do each day.All they want to do is increase their profits.beprofitput sth up to increase prices, taxes, rents etc Put sth up is less formal than increase, and is very common in everyday English: They’ve put up the price of their clothes.clotheraise to increase prices, taxes, or standards: No one wants the government to raise taxes.wanttaxOur aim is to raise students’ levels of achievement.bestudentleveldouble to make the number, amount, size etc of something twice as large: The company has doubled the number of its staff.havedoublenumbexpand to increase something so that it includes a wider range of things, or to increase the size of a business: Many colleges have expanded the range of their courses.collegeexpandcourseThe bank is keen to expand its business.be




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