

单词 draw
释义 drawdrawsdrewdrawndrawingdrawdraw1 /drɔː $ drɒː/ verb (past tense drew /druː/, past participle drawn /drɔːn $ drɒːn/)1picture [intransitive and transitive] to make a picture of something with a pencil or pen: She was drawing a picture of a tree.bedraw她正在画一棵树。draw somebody somethingCan you draw me a map?你能给我画一张地图吗?I can’t draw very well.我画画不是很好。2comparison draw a comparison/distinction to say that two things are similar or different: The report drew a distinction between ‘helping’ and ‘caring’.drawhelpcare这篇报告指出了“帮助”和“关爱”的不同。3reaction [transitive] to get a reaction or support from someone or something: His comments drew an angry response.commentdraw他的评论激起了愤怒的回应。draw something from somethingI drew comfort from her kind words.drawword我从她体贴的话语中得到了安慰。4weapon draw a gun/knife/sword to take a weapon from its container or from your pocket5money from bank [transitive] to take money from your bank account: I’d just drawn £50 out of the bank.draw我刚从银行账户里取出 50 英镑。6receive money [transitive] to receive official payments, for example because you are ill or old: I’ll be drawing my pension soon.draw我很快就要领退休金了。7make somebody interested [transitive] to attract or interest someonedraw somebody to somethingWhat first drew you to acting?drawact起初是什么让你对表演感兴趣的?Her eye was drawn to a painting on the wall.bedrawpaint她的目光被墙上的一幅画吸引住了。8pull [transitive] to pull something or someone in a particular directiondraw somebody/something aside/up/into etcHe drew her into his arms.drawarm他把她拉进怀里。draw something out/from somethingHe reached into his pocket and drew out a piece of paper.reachdraw他伸手进口袋拿出一张纸。9move [transitive] to move in a particular directiondraw away/out of/pastThe car drew away.draw那辆车开走了。10same score [intransitive and transitive] especially British English if two teams or players draw, they have the same number of pointsdraw withIreland drew with France.draw爱尔兰队和法国队打成了平手。They drew 3–3.draw他们以 3 比 3 打成了平手。11pick winner [transitive] to pick tickets or cards in order to decide who will win a prize12not talk refuse to be drawn (on something) if you refuse to be drawn on a subject, you refuse to talk about it: She refused to be drawn on the subject of her divorce.refusedraw她拒绝谈她离婚的话题。Phrasesdraw (sb’s) attention to somebody/something to make someone notice something: I’d like to draw your attention to the last paragraph.我想请你们注意一下最后一段。She didn’t want to draw attention to herself.她不想吸引别人的注意。draw a blank to be unable to find something or think of something: I just drew a blank on the last test question.draw测验最后一题我根本就答不上来。draw blood to make blood come out of someone’s skin: The dog bit her hand so hard he drew blood.bitedraw那狗咬得她的手都出血了。draw breath1to take air into your lungs2to rest when you are busy: I needed a moment to draw breath.need我需要歇一下。draw conclusions to decide something, based on information that you have: They have not drawn any conclusions from the data.drawconclusiondatum他们没有从这些数据中得出任何结论。draw near literary to move closer in time or space: The summer holidays are drawing near.holidaybedraw暑假临近了。draw the curtains to open or close curtains: Can you draw the curtains – it’s getting dark.curtainget拉上窗帘吧——天黑了。draw the line (at something) to refuse to do something because you do not approve of it, although you will do other things: I don’t mind helping you, but I draw the line at telling lies.helptelllie我不介意帮助你﹐但撒谎的事我不干。draw to an end/a close/a halt to end or stop: Another year was drawing to an end.bedraw又一年要过去了。Phrasal verbsdraw in phrasal verb if the days or nights are drawing in, it is getting dark earlier in the eveningdraw somebody into something phrasal verb to involve someone in something that they do not want to do: Keith refused to be drawn into our argument.refusedraw基思不想被扯进我们的争论中。draw on something phrasal verb to use something, for example information or experience, for a particular purpose: His books draw heavily on his experience as a therapist.book他的书在很大程度上是以他作为治疗师的亲身经历为素材而写成的。draw up phrasal verb1draw something ↔ up to prepare a document: We drew up a list of the options.drawoption我们拟出了一份可供选择的清单。2if a vehicle draws up, it stops: Another car drew up beside ours.draw另一辆车在我们的旁边停下。THESAURUS: drawdraw to make a picture with a pencil or pen: We had to draw a picture of a horse.haveI’m going to art classes to learn how to draw.goclasssketch/do a sketch to draw a picture quickly and without a lot of detail: He did a quick sketch of how the house would look.dowillillustrate to draw the pictures in a book: She illustrates children’s stories.illustratechildstorydoodle to draw shapes or patterns without really thinking about what you are doing: ‘What’s that supposed to be?’ ‘Oh, nothing. I was just doodling.’supposebedoodletrace to copy a picture by putting a piece of thin paper over it and drawing the lines that you can see through the paper: I traced the original design onto another sheet of paper.trace




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