

单词 dream
释义 dreamdreamsdreamdream1 /driːm/ noun [countable]1the thoughts, images, and experiences that come into your mind when you are asleep ➔ daydreamdream aboutI had a dream about you last night.have昨晚我做梦梦见你了。2something that you hope will happen: It was his dream to play football for his country.be能为自己的祖国踢球是他梦寐以求的事。dream ofHe fulfilled his dream of becoming a police officer.fulfilbecome他实现了自己的梦想﹐当上了警察。beyond your wildest dreams (=better than anything you imagined or hoped)The whole experience has been a dream come true (=as good as I hoped).havebe这整件事就是梦想成真。the man/home/holiday etc of your dreams (=the perfect man, home etc)Phrasesa dream world a good situation which exists only in your imagination: If you believe that, you’re living in a dream world.live如果你相信它﹐你就是生活在梦幻世界里。in a dream not noticing or paying attention to what is happening: Ruth went about her tasks in a dream.gotask鲁斯心不在焉地开始干活。 like a dream1if something is like a dream, it does not seem real: The last few days have seemed like a dream.dayseem最后几天像做梦一般。2extremely well: The plan worked like a dream.work这个计划非常有效。 Sweet dreams! spoken said to someone who is going to bedCOLLOCATIONS: dreamverbsto have a dreamWere you having a bad dream?behaveadjectivesa bad dream (=unpleasant or frightening)The movie gave the kids bad dreams.givekiddreama strange dream (also a weird dream informal)I had such a strange dream last night!havea vivid dream (=very clear)The dream was so vivid it seemed completely real.beseema recurring dream (=one that you have many times)I used to have a recurring dream in which I was late for work.userecurbeTHESAURUS: dreamdream the thoughts, images, and experiences that come into your mind when you are asleep: I had a strange dream last night – you and I were in some sort of forest.havebenightmare a very unpleasant and frightening dream: She still has terrible nightmares about the accident.havenightmaredaydream a series of pleasant thoughts that you have when you are awake, which make you not notice what is happening around you: Neil was in a daydream, and didn’t hear the teacher call his name.befantasy something exciting that you imagine happening to you, which is extremely unlikely to happen: I used to have fantasies about becoming the next Sherlock Holmes.usefantasybecome




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