

单词 drop
释义 dropdropsdroppeddroppingdropdrop1 /drɒp $ drɑːp/ verb (past tense and past participle dropped, present participle dropping)1let something fall [transitive] to let something you are holding fall to the ground: Tom dropped his bag by the door.drop汤姆把包扔在了门边。Enemy aircraft dropped bombs on the city.dropbomb敌机把炸弹投向这座城市。2fall [transitive] to fall to or towards the grounddrop from/off/onto etc She dropped onto the sofa as soon as she came in from work.dropcome她下班一回家就倒在沙发上。The sword dropped from his hand.drop剑从他手中跌落。3visit [transitive] to visit someone you know, usually without telling them that you are comingdrop by/round/inI dropped by to see if you’re feeling better.dropfeelwell我顺路来看看你是否感觉好点了。Why don’t you drop in for a drink one evening?even你哪天晚上顺便过来喝一杯怎么样?THESAURUS visit4decrease [intransitive and transitive] to fall to a lower level or amount, or to reduce the level or amount of something: The number of deaths on this road has dropped sharply.numbdeathhavedrop在这条路上死亡的人数急剧下降。The temperature can drop to –15° overnight.一夜之间气温会降至零下 15 度。Have you asked them to drop the price?ask你让他们降过价吗?THESAURUS decrease5stop doing something [transitive] to stop doing something or continuing with something: Students are allowed to drop history in year nine.studentbeallow九年级的学生可以不学历史。I couldn’t ask him to drop everything (=stop what he was doing) just to drive me to London.我不能要他放下手头所有事情﹐只为了开车送我到伦敦。6take somebody somewhere [transitive] to take someone to a place in a car, before continuing to somewhere else: Just drop me here – I can walk the rest of the way.让我在这儿下车吧 — 剩下的路我可以走过去。drop somebody offShe drops the kids off at school on her way to work.dropkid她在开车上班途中顺路送孩子上学。7not include [transitive] to decide not to include someone in a teamdrop somebody from somethingHe’s been dropped from the England squad for the second test.bedrop他没有被选入英格兰队参加第二场对抗赛。8stop talking [intransitive and transitive] to stop talking about something: If you think I’m going to let it drop, you’re wrong.go如果你认为我会不提了﹐那你就错了。Just drop it, will you? I don’t want to argue.不要说了﹐行不行? 我不想吵架。Phrasesdrop dead informal to die suddenly and unexpectedly: He just dropped dead in the street one day.drop有一天他突然倒在街上死了。drop somebody a line informal to write a letter to someone: Drop me a line when you get there.你到了那里给我写一封短信。Phrasal verbsdrop off phrasal verb informal to go to sleepdrop out phrasal verb to stop going to university or school before you have completed your studies, or to stop doing an activity before you finish itdrop out ofHe had dropped out of college.havedrop他从大学辍学了。THESAURUS leave




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