

单词 drug
释义 drugdrugsdrugdrug1 /drʌg/ noun [countable]1[usually plural] an illegal substance that people take to make them feel happy, relaxed, excited etctake/use drugsMany teenagers admitted taking drugs at some time.teenageradmittakedrug许多青少年承认曾吸食过毒品。No thanks, I don’t do drugs.thankdrug不﹐谢谢﹐我不吸毒。on drugs (=taking drugs)She looks as though she’s on drugs.lookdrug她看上去一副吸毒的样子。soft drugs (=less strong drugs such as marijuana)hard drugs (=strong drugs such as cocaine and heroin)Reports say he died of a drug overdose (=he took too much of a drug).reportdie报道称他死于吸毒过量。2a medicine or a substance for making medicines: a new drug to treat depression治疗抑郁症的一种新药the cost of prescription drugs (=medicines from your doctor)drug处方药的费用COLLOCATIONS: drugverbsto take/use drugsSome people take drugs to escape their problems.drugproblemto do drugs informal (=to take drugs)All his friends were doing drugs.friendbedodrugto be on drugs (=to take drugs regularly)They were on drugs when they committed these robberies.bedrugcommitrobberyto come off/get off drugs (=to stop taking drugs permanently)Your doctor can help you to come off drugs.drugdrug + noundrug use/abuse (=taking drugs)She is being treated for drug abuse.bebetreata drug userWe need more treatment facilities for drug users.facilityusera drug addict (=someone who cannot stop taking drugs)At 20 Steve was a drug addict.bedrug addictionHe was homeless and struggling with drug addiction.bestrugglea drug overdose (=taking too much of a drug at one time)She died from a drug overdose.diea drug dealer (=someone who sells drugs)The city’s streets are full of drug dealers.streetbedealeradjectiveshard drugs (=very dangerous drugs such as heroin or cocaine)He was in prison for dealing hard drugs.bedealdrug ► Do not say ’heavy drugs’. Say hard drugs. soft drugs (=less strong drugs such as marijuana)Soft drugs are legal in some countries.drugbecountry ► Do not say ’light drugs’. Say soft drugs.




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