

单词 ear
释义 earearsearear /ɪə $ ɪr/ noun1 [countable] one of the two parts of your body that you hear with: He whispered something in her ear.whisper他在她的耳边低声说了些什么。2[countable] the top part of a plant such as wheat that produces grainear ofan ear of corn玉米穗3[singular] the ability to learn music or copy sounds that you hearear forI’ve always had an ear for accents.haveaccent我模仿口音总是很逼真。Phrasesbe all ears informal be very interested to hear what someone is going to say: Go ahead, I’m all ears.ear说吧﹐我洗耳恭听。be smiling/grinning from ear to ear to be smiling a lot: When she came out of her office she was grinning from ear to ear.comebegrin她走出办公室,笑得合不拢嘴。




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