

单词 easy
释义 easyeasyeasy2 adverbPhrasessomething comes easy to somebody used when saying that it is easy for someone to do something, because they are used to doing it: Admitting that he was wrong didn’t come easy to him.admitbe承认错误对他来说并不容易。(that’s) easier said than done used to say that something would be very difficult to do: ‘Find him and bring him back.’ ‘That’s easier said than done.’easysaydo“找到他把他带回来。”“谈何容易啊。”go easy on somebody informal to be more gentle and less strict or angry with someone: Go easy on Peter – he’s having a hard time at school.have对彼得宽容点﹐他在学校功课正忙。go easy on something informal used to tell someone not to use, eat, or drink too much of something: Go easy on salty foods.food咸的食物不要吃太多。take it easy1 (also take things easy) to relax and not do very much: You should take it easy for a few days.shallday你应该好好休息几天。2informal used to tell someone to become less upset or angry: Just take it easy and tell us what happened.happen别急﹐告诉我们发生了什么事。




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