

单词 element
释义 elementelementselementelement AC /ˈeləmənt/ noun [countable]1chemical a simple chemical substance that consists of only one kind of atom ➔ compound2small amount element of surprise/truth/risk/doubt etc a small amount of surprise etc: There’s an element of risk in every sport.每项运动都有点风险。3feature one part or feature of something: Speed is an important element of the game.be速度是这项运动的要素。4part of a group a group of people who are part of a larger group: communist elements in the partyelement党内的共产党分子5weather the elements [plural] the weather, especially bad weather: A cave provided shelter from the elements.provideelement一个山洞成了躲避风雨的地方。6on a heater the part of a piece of electrical equipment that produces heat




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