

单词 embarrassed
释义 embarrassedembarrassedembarrassed /ɪmˈbærəst/ adjective if you feel embarrassed, you feel nervous or uncomfortable about what other people think of youembarrassed about/atI felt embarrassed about how untidy the house was.feelembarrassbe房子这么凌乱﹐我感到很难为情。embarrassed to do somethingHe was too embarrassed to admit his mistake.beembarrass他羞于承认自己的错误。THESAURUS: embarrassedashamed feeling very sorry and guilty about something bad you have done, or someone in your family has done: I felt ashamed that I had lied to her.feelhavelieMy son was so rude that I was ashamed of him.bebeembarrassed feeling uncomfortable and worried that you look silly, for example because you have made a mistake: He was embarrassed that he couldn’t remember her name.beembarrasshumiliated very embarrassed and upset because someone has made you seem weak or stupid: She humiliated him in front of all his friends.humiliatefriendfeel bad/guilty to feel bad or guilty because of something that you did or should have done: I feel bad about forgetting your birthday.Suzy felt guilty about shouting at him.feelshout




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