

单词 and
释义 andandand /ənd, ən; strong ænd/ linking word1used to join two words or parts of sentences: a knife and fork一副刀叉They started shouting and screaming.startshoutscream他们开始又喊又叫。Martha was going to the store, and Tom said he’d go with her.begosay马莎要去商店﹐汤姆说他和她一起去。2used to say that one thing happens after another: Grant knocked and went in.knockgo格兰特敲敲门﹐然后走了进去。3spoken used instead of ‘to’ after certain verbs such as ‘come’, ‘go’, ‘try’: Try and finish your homework before dinner.尽量在晚饭前把你的家庭作业完成。4used in numbers and when adding numbers: Six and four make ten.六加四等于十。three and a half三又二分之一5used to say that one thing is caused by something else: I missed lunch and I’m starving!missstarve我没吃午饭﹐饿死了!




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