

单词 entry
释义 entryentriesentryentry /ˈentri/ noun (plural entries)1INTO A PLACE [uncountable and countable] when someone goes into a place OPP exitentry to/intoEntry to the gardens is free.gardenbe公园免费入内。How did the thieves gain entry (=get in)?dothieve窃贼是怎么进来的?Refugees were refused entry (=they were not allowed in) to the country.refugeeberefuse难民被拒绝进入该国。They were charged with illegal entry.becharge他们被指控非法闯入。2INTO AN ORGANIZATION [uncountable] when someone joins an organization, college etcentry into/toBritain’s entry into the European Union英国加入欧洲联盟the entry requirements for a university courserequirement大学课程的入读条件 3FOR A COMPETITION [countable] something you make or write in order to try to win a competition: The closing date for entries is January 6.closeentrybe提交参赛作品的截止日期是 1 月 6 日。the winning entrywin 获奖作品4IN A BOOK [countable] a short piece of writing in a book containing information: an entry in his diary他日记里的一则a dictionary entry一个词典条目5ON A COMPUTER [uncountable] the process of putting information into a computer: data entrydatum资料的录入6DOOR [countable] a door or gate that you go through to enter a place ➔ re-entry




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