

单词 epic
释义 epicepicsepicepic1 /ˈepɪk/ noun [countable] a long book, poem, or film with many exciting adventuresTHESAURUS: epicstory a description of imaginary events and people, intended to entertain people: She writes crime stories.writestoryfairy tale a children’s story in which magical things happen: an old witch from a fairy talemyth a story, especially about ancient gods or explaining a natural or historical event. It is completely untrue: Greek mythsmythlegend an old story, especially about a famous person or a place. It sometimes has a part that is true: an Indian legend about a girl who died protecting the trees that surrounded her villagedieprotecttreesurroundepic a story told in a long book, film, or poem, especially about events in history: an epic about the Spanish Civil War




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