

单词 equally
释义 equallyequallyequally /ˈiːkwəli/ adverb1to the same level or amount: Diet and exercise are equally important in maintaining good health.bemaintain要保持身体健康﹐饮食和锻炼同等重要。2in equal parts or amounts: We divided the money equally.divide我们平分了这笔钱。3spoken used when you are saying something that is just as important as what you have just said: There was no enthusiasm for the idea, but equally there was no opposition.bebe人们对这个想法没有热情﹐但同时也没有反对意见。4in a way that is fair because it is the same for everyone: We tried to treat everyone equally.try我们设法公平地对待每一个人。




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