

单词 escape
释义 escapeescapesescapedescapingescapeescape1 /ɪˈskeɪp/ verb1 [intransitive and transitive] to leave a place or dangerous situation when someone is trying to catch you or stop youescape from/through etcHe escaped from prison.escape他越狱逃跑了。escape withShe escaped with minor injuries.escapeinjury她受了点轻伤逃了出来。escape unhurt/unharmed2[intransitive and transitive] to avoid something badescape death/injuryThe driver narrowly escaped death.escape司机死里逃生。Schools have not escaped criticism.schoolescape学校没有逃过批评。3[transitive] if something escapes you, you cannot remember it or do not notice it: Her name escapes me.escape我记不起她的名字了。escape sb’s notice/attentionHis behaviour did not escape the notice of police.do他的行为没有逃过警察的注意。4[transitive] if gas or liquid escapes from somewhere, it comes out—escapedescaped adjective: escaped prisonersescapeprisoner越狱的犯人THESAURUS: escapeescape to leave a place or dangerous situation when someone is trying to catch you or stop you: The prisoners escaped while the guards were sleeping.prisonerescapeguardbesleepHe escaped from his attackers.escapeattackerget away to escape from someone who is chasing you. Get away is more informal than escape: A police officer ran after him but he got away.rungetDon’t let him get away from you!get out to leave a building or room which is locked, or when the way out is blocked: Make sure you know how to get out of the building if there is a fire.buildbeI got out through an upstairs window.getflee written to leave a dangerous place very quickly, especially a country: Many Jewish people fled to America.fleeThe two men fled before police arrived.manfleearrive




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