

单词 even
释义 eveneveneven1 /ˈiːvən/ adverb1used to emphasize something that is surprising or unexpected: Even the youngest children enjoyed the concert.youngchildenjoy连年纪很小的孩子也喜欢这场音乐会。not/never evenI don’t even know what he looks like.look我甚至不知道他长什么样子。He never even sent me a card.send他连一张贺卡都从没寄过给我。may/might evenHe might even agree.他甚至有可能会同意。2even bigger/better/more etc used to emphasize that something is bigger, better etc: If you could finish it today, that would be even better.canwillwell如果你今天能完成的话就更好了。She knows even less about it than I do.knowlittle关于此事她知道的甚至比我还少。3used to add a word which is stronger or more exact: He was surprised, even a little disappointed.besurprisedisappoint他很吃惊﹐甚至有点失望。Phraseseven if/when/after used to emphasize that something will not or did not change a situation: I’ll never speak to her again, even if she apologizes.apologize即使她道歉﹐我也永远不会再和她说话。Even when he found her, he couldn’t stop crying.findcry即使他找到她了﹐他还是哭个不停。even now/then in spite of what happened: Even now I find it hard to believe he lied.lie时至今日我还是难以相信他撒了谎。even so in spite of this: They made more money that year, but even so the business failed.makefail那一年他们赚的钱多了﹐但即便如此﹐公司还是倒了。even though although: She wouldn’t go, even though Tom offered to take her.offer她不愿意去﹐虽然汤姆表示愿意送她去。




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