

单词 expect
释义 expectexpectsexpectedexpectingexpectexpect /ɪkˈspekt/ verb [transitive]1to think that something will probably happenexpect (somebody) to do somethingDo you expect to travel a lot this year?你预计今年会经常出差吗?He expected me to drive him home!expect他以为我会开车送他回家!expect (that)We expect the meeting will finish about 5 o’clock.meet我们预计会议 5 点钟左右结束。As expected, Rebecca passed easily.expectpass不出所料﹐吕贝卡轻松地通过了。2to believe that someone must do something because it is their duty: The officer expects absolute obedience from his men.expectman这位军官要求部下绝对服从。expect somebody to do somethingWe’re expected to work late sometimes.expect我们有时候需要工作到很晚。3to believe that someone or something is going to arrive: I’m expecting a letter from Japan.expect我正在等一封日本来的信。What time do you expect him home?你预计他什么时候回家?—expectedexpected adjective: the expected rise in interest ratesexpectrate预期中的利率增长Phrasesbe expecting (a baby) informal if a woman is expecting, she is going to have a baby: Sarah’s expecting a baby in September.expect萨拉九月份要生孩子。I expect especially British English spoken used to say that you think something is probably trueexpect (that)It’s late and I expect you’re tired.tire很晚了﹐我觉得你也累了。‘Do you think he’ll get the job?’ ‘Yes, I expect so.’“你认为他会得到这工作吗?”“我想会的。”




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