

单词 explain
释义 explainexplainsexplainedexplainingexplainexplain /ɪkˈspleɪn/ verb [intransitive and transitive]1to give someone the information they need to understand somethingexplain something to somebodyI explained the rules to Sara.explainrule我向萨拉解释这些规则。explain how/what/why etcCan someone explain how this thing works?work谁能讲解一下这东西是如何工作的吗?explain thatHe explained that it had been a difficult film to make.explainhavebe他解释说这是一部非常难拍的电影。GrammarDo not say ‘He explained me the idea.’ SayHe explained the idea to me.explain(他向我解释了这个想法。)2to give the reason for somethingexplain why/how etcBrad never explained why he was late.explainbe布拉德从不解释他为什么迟到。explain thatI explained that I’d missed the bus.explainmiss我解释说﹐我没赶上公共汽车。Phrasal verbsexplain something ↔ away phrasal verb to make something seem less important or less serious, by giving reasons for it: Claire tried to explain away the bruises on her arm.trybruise克莱尔试图把胳膊上的瘀伤搪塞过去。THESAURUS: explainexplain to give someone the information they need to understand something: The teacher explained what the word meant.explainmeantell to explain something to someone. Tell is often used instead of explain in everyday English: Can you tell me the way to the station?The booklet tells you what to do if there is an emergency.tellbeshow to explain to someone how to do something, by doing it while they watch you: Do you want me to show you how to use the cooker?demonstrate to show people the right way to do something by doing it while they watch you, especially when this is part of your job: The instructor demonstrated how to reverse the car around a corner.demonstratego through something to explain something carefully, often more than once, to make sure that people understand it: Could you go through the instructions again?caninstructionMrs. Riddell went through our homework assignment.go




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