

单词 fact
释义 factfactsfactfact /fækt/ noun1[countable] something that is truefact aboutfacts and figures about the Philippinesfactfigure有关菲律宾的基本资料interesting/well-known factIt’s a well-known fact that new cars lose their value quickly.knowcar众所周知﹐新车贬值非常快。the fact thatThey lost, despite the fact that their opponents were reduced to 10 men.loseopponentbereduceman他们输了﹐尽管他们对手的人数已经减为十人。in fact/as a matter of fact (=used to add something surprising or unusual that is true)It looks difficult, but in actual fact it’s quite easy.look这看上去难﹐其实很简单。the fact (of the matter) is (that) (=used to emphasize a fact)The fact of the matter is we need more time.be实际情况是﹐我们需要更多的时间。I know for a fact that she’s married.marry我肯定她结婚了。Just stick to the facts (=only say what you know is true).fact就实事求是吧。2[uncountable] things that really happen or exist OPP fiction: A journalist must separate fact from fiction.记者必须分清事实和虚构。 ➔ matter-of-factPhrasesa fact of life something bad that people must accept: Violent crime is a fact of life in our cities.becity暴力犯罪是我们城市的客观事实。the facts of life if you tell a child the facts of life, you explain how people have sex to produce a baby: Most parents have difficulty talking to their children about the facts of life.parenttalkchildfact大多数父母难以开口向孩子传授性知识。THESAURUS: facttrue based on real facts, and not imagined or invented: a true storyIs it true that they’re getting married?begetmarryaccurate based on facts and not containing any mistakes: Are these figures accurate?befigureOld guidebooks may no longer contain accurate information.guidebooklongbe the truth to be true – used especially to tell someone that you are not lying: I’ve never seen him before and that’s the truth.seeit is a fact used when saying that some information is definitely correct: It is a fact that women live longer than men.bewomanlongman




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