

单词 fairly
释义 fairlyfairlyfairly /ˈfeəli $ ˈferli/ adverb1more than a little, but much less than very SYN quite British English: She speaks English fairly well.speak她英语说得相当好。a fairly large room一间相当大的房间2in a way that is fair and reasonable: I felt that I wasn’t treated fairly.feeltreat我觉得我没有得到公正的对待。THESAURUS: fairlyrather/quite more than a little, but not very – used especially in British English: It’s getting rather cold.getThe test was quite difficult.beShe’s rather nice.fairly rather – used in both British and American English: I’m fairly sure.It’s a fairly big house.pretty informal rather. Pretty sounds a little stronger than rather and can sometimes also mean ‘very’: I was pretty embarrassed.beembarrassIt was pretty expensive.bereasonably rather – used especially when saying that someone or something is sure, good, healthy etc enough: I run every day, so I’m reasonably fit.We feel reasonably confident that we’ll win.somewhat rather – used especially when comparing things: These figures are somewhat higher than average.figurebehighThe situation is somewhat better now.bewell




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