

单词 fear
释义 fearfearsfearfear1 /fɪə $ fɪr/ noun [uncountable and countable] the feeling you get when you are afraid or worried that something bad will happen: His voice was full of fear.be他的声音里充满恐惧。fear ofa fear of flyingfly害怕坐飞机fear thatfears that prices might continue to risefearprice对价格可能继续上涨的担心fear forShe expressed fears for her daughter’s safety.expressfear她对女儿的安全表示担忧。with fearThe prisoner was shaking with fear.beshake那名囚犯吓得发抖。Phrasesfor fear (that)/for fear of something because you are worried that something bad will happen: They travelled at night, for fear of being seen.travelbesee他们在夜间出门﹐生怕被人看见。No fear! British English spoken informal used humorously to say that you are definitely not going to do something: ‘Do you want to come with us?’ ‘No fear!’“你想和我们一起去吗?” “当然不想!”COLLOCATIONS: fearadjectivessb’s greatest/worst/biggest fearHer worst fear was making a complete fool of herself.illbemakean irrational fear (=one that is not reasonable)She has an irrational fear of birds.havebirda deep-seated fear (=very strong and difficult to change)Voters have deep-seated fears about their economic futures.voterseatfearfuturesb’s fears are groundless formal (=there is no good reason for them)He assured me that my fears were groundless.assurefearbesomebody is filled with fearI was suddenly filled with fear.befillfrozen/paralysed with fear (=so afraid that you cannot move)I just stood on the diving board, paralysed with fear.standdiveparalyseverbsto have a fear of somethingHe’s always had a fear of heights.haveheightto show fearI tried not to show any fear.tryto shake/tremble with fearShe was crying and trembling with fear.becrytrembleto conquer/overcome your fear (=to stop being afraid of something)He overcame his fear of water and learned to swim.overcomelearnto live in fear of something (=to be always afraid of something bad that might happen to you)People lived in fear of being arrested.livebearrestto confirm sb’s fears (=to show that what that person was afraid of has actually happened)The look on Colin’s face confirmed all my worst fears.confirmillfearWord Choice: fear or fright?Fear is the usual word to use when talking about the feeling of being afraid of something:She has a fear of spiders.havespider她怕蜘蛛。Losing a child is every parent’s greatest fear.losebegreat失去孩子对所有父母来说都是最害怕的事。You use fright when talking about something that suddenly frightens you, especially in the following phrases:The snake gave me a fright.give我被蛇吓了一跳。The two boys ran off in fright.boyrun那俩个男孩吓得跑掉了。




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