

单词 few
释义 fewfewfew /fjuː/ determiner, pronoun, adjective1a small number of things or peoplea fewLet’s go away for a few days.day我们出去几天吧。A few people were staring.bestare几个人在盯着看。‘Are there any biscuits left?’ ‘A few.’bebiscuitleave“饼干还有剩的吗?”“还有一些。”few ofI’ve read a few of her books.book我读过她的几本书。the last/past/next fewthe last few weeksweek前几个星期2not many things or people OPP many: low-paid jobs that few people wantpayjob几乎没人想干的低薪工作few ofVery few of my friends still live here.friend我朋友中几乎没人还住在这儿。Women are having fewer children.womanbehavechild现在女人生的孩子少了。the candidate with the fewest votesvote票数最少的候选人It is one of the few programmes I enjoy.beprogramme这是我喜欢的少数几个节目之一。 ➔ less2, little2Phrasesbe few and far between to not happen often or not be found often: Good jobs were few and far between.jobbe好工作少得很。no fewer than used to emphasize that a number is large: He was arrested no fewer than seven times.bearresttime他被逮捕了不下七次。quite a few/a good few a fairly large number of things or people: He’s a good few years older than me.yearold他比我大很多。‘How many girlfriends have you had?’ ‘Quite a few.’girlfriendhave“你有过多少女朋友?”“很多。”few ofQuite a few of our residents have pets.residentpet我们的住户中不少人养宠物。GrammarUse few when you mean ‘not many’ or ‘not enough’: Very few people came to the meeting.comemeet来开会的人少得很。Use a few when you mean ‘some’ or ‘a small number’: There are still a few bottles of beer left.bebottleleave还剩几瓶啤酒。Few and a few are always used with plural nouns.




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