

单词 finish
释义 finishfinishesfinishfinish2 noun1[singular] the end of something, especially a race: It was a close finish (=the race ended with the competitors close together), but Jarrett won.bewin比赛到最后阶段﹐竞争激烈﹐但贾勒特还是赢了。2[countable] the way a surface looks after it has been painted or polished: a table with a glossy finish表面光亮的一张桌子 ➔ photo finishTHESAURUS: finishend the last part of a period of time, or of an activity, book, film etc: Her birthday is at the end of July.beI missed the end of the programme.missending the way that a story, film etc ends: The story has a happy ending.haveendThe movie had a different ending to the book.haveendfinish the end of a race or competition: The race had a thrilling finish.havethrillfinale the impressive last part of a performance, event etc: The show will be a dramatic finale to the Olympic Games.gameThe festival ends with a grand finale on May 17th.end




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