

单词 flash
释义 flashflashesflashedflashingflashflash1 /flæʃ/ verb1shine [intransitive and transitive] to shine brightly for a short time, or to make a light shine in this way: Lightning flashed overhead.flash头顶上空闪电大作。flash something at/towards somebody/somethingWhy is that man flashing his headlights at me?beflashheadlight那个人为什么朝我闪车前灯?2move quickly [transitive] to move very quicklyflash by/past/through etcA police car flashed by.flash一辆警车飞驰而过。Images of the war flashed across the TV screen.imageflash电视屏幕上闪过一幅幅战争画面。3thoughts flash through sb’s mind/head/brain if thoughts flash through your mind, you suddenly think of them: The possibility that he was lying flashed through my mind.belieflash他可能在撒谎的想法在我脑海里闪过。4smile/look flash a smile/glance/look etc to smile or look at someone quickly: ‘I love this city,’ he said, flashing a big smile.sayflash“我爱这座城市。” 他说道﹐脸上闪现出灿烂的笑容。5show something quickly [transitive] to show something to someone quickly: He flashed his I.D. card.flash他亮了一下自己的身份证。6news/information [transitive] to send information somewhere quickly by radio, computer, or satelliteflash something across/to somethingThe news was flashed across the globe.beflash这则新闻迅速传遍了世界各地。THESAURUS: flashshine to produce bright light – used especially about the sun, the moon, or the stars: The sun shone in the sky.shineflash to shine brightly for a very short time, or to shine on and off very quickly many times: Red warning lights were flashing.warnlightbeflashflicker to shine with an unsteady light – used about a flame or light: The candle flickered and went out.flickergotwinkle if stars or lights twinkle, they shine in the dark in a way that seems to change from bright to faint: I could see the harbour lights twinkling in the distance.canlighttwinkleglow especially literary to shine with a warm soft light: A fire glowed in the hearth.glowsparkle if something sparkles, it shines with many small bright points when light is on it: The diamond in her ring sparkled.sparklegleam to shine by reflecting the light – used especially about smooth clean surfaces, or about someone’s eyes or teeth: Emily’s eyes gleamed with pleasure.eyegleamglint to shine by reflecting quick flashes of light: The knife glinted in the sunlight.glint




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