

单词 flat
释义 flatflatflat3 adverb1in a position in which someone or something is smooth and level, with no parts that are raised or standing up: The bed can be folded flat for storage.fold这张床可以叠平储藏。He lay flat on his back.lie他仰面平躺着。 ➔ fall flat at fall12in ten seconds/two minutes etc flat informal very quickly, in ten seconds, two minutes etc: He did his homework in ten minutes flat.dominute他十分钟就做完了家庭作业。Phrasesflat out informal1as fast as possible: We’ve been working flat out.bework我们一直在全力以赴地工作着。 2American English in a direct and complete wayask/tell somebody flat outShe asked him flat out if he was seeing another woman.askbesee她直截了当地问他是否在跟别的女人约会。




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